Saturday 29 September 2012

RooM DeSiGn CoNtEst Winner AngelCloe (interview)

Dawn: Tell us a bit about your room design.

Angelcloe: Since the contest is for the summer, I decided to make a room with a summer theme that is something different and unique. That’s the result (see pic at top) and became my entry for the Room Design Contest. I made a garden that had a Jacuzzi tub at the center, so it’s fun to stay at the garden while you are bathing. You’ll feel relax and have a peace of mind. 

Dawn: How did you come up with such an idea? Did you have any inspiration?

Angelcloe: Actually, I am always visiting the apartments of some of my friends in SocioTown. I see their room designs and observed that most of their rooms are kind of the same, so I decided to make one that has never been seen at the rooms of other Socians. Honestly, I love decorating even in real life and I am happy when my family is so amazed at my designs, so my inspiration was my family.

Dawn: What’s your favorite part of your room?
Angelcloe: My favorite part is my Dressing Room because every time I enter there I feel that I am at a shopping mall. I can pick what clothes I want, and I don’t even have to use money. 

Dawn: What was your reaction when you knew you won?

Angelcloe: I was so very happy because finally I won for this contest. 

Dawn:What will you do with your prize?

Angelcloe: I will use it to buy furniture and give it to my friends because I have so many furniture in my rooms already. So it’s time again to give it to others.

Dawn: Any message to your fellow Socians who are into room design in SocioTown?

Angelcloe: Just do what you want and be creative. Don’t mind if you are not good enough in designing, just remember that you will be happy of what you are doing so don’t be shy to show it to others. Always remember that we all have different talents, so use it and you will see that other people will be proud of you

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