Sunday 16 September 2012

Arica1 Fashion contest winner

Dawn took arica's interview lets see what arica has to say:

dawn: Tell us a bit about your outfit.  How did you come up with your outfit? Did you get any inspiration? 
arica1: I was thinking of an outfit that is suitable for summer. Then I thought that it should have good colors and it should be short. About the shoes, I thought that they shouldn’t be long and should be made of light material. So I just chose the Egyptian shoes and military dress, as the latter had half sleeves and it was short too. It’s also attractive to the eyes, in my opinion.

dawn: What’s your favorite part of your outfit?
arica1: I like my shoes. They are so light.

dawn: What was your reaction when you knew you won? 
arica1: I was quite surprised, since I thought that my outfit was simply according to what I liked and envisioned for a summer outfit.

dawn: What will you do with your prize?
arica1: I will use it for good things.

dawn: Any message to your fellow Socians who are into fashion in SocioTown?
arica1: For contests, just focus on the theme given. See what type of clothes go well with the season or the contest. And yeah, I’m always there to help you.

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