Saturday 29 September 2012

School Uniform Fashion Contest

Want to make your own Uniform? Then why not dress up in your socio uniform and join Sociotown school Uniform Contest!
Take a picture of you wearing your Sociotown Uniform and send it to
Be unique!

ShOuT OuT PeTrOl (Picture)

SocioTown Shout-out Patrol: Looks like someone is wishing upon a star tonight.

New robot outfits!!!

Aren't these outfits awesome!!!!!???
These robot outfits will release soon!

Caption contest

Sociotown caption Contest is back!!!
Caption the picture and sent your entries to sociotown FB page (click here to send your entries)

RooM DeSiGn CoNtEst Winner AngelCloe (interview)

Dawn: Tell us a bit about your room design.

Angelcloe: Since the contest is for the summer, I decided to make a room with a summer theme that is something different and unique. That’s the result (see pic at top) and became my entry for the Room Design Contest. I made a garden that had a Jacuzzi tub at the center, so it’s fun to stay at the garden while you are bathing. You’ll feel relax and have a peace of mind. 

Dawn: How did you come up with such an idea? Did you have any inspiration?

Angelcloe: Actually, I am always visiting the apartments of some of my friends in SocioTown. I see their room designs and observed that most of their rooms are kind of the same, so I decided to make one that has never been seen at the rooms of other Socians. Honestly, I love decorating even in real life and I am happy when my family is so amazed at my designs, so my inspiration was my family.

Dawn: What’s your favorite part of your room?
Angelcloe: My favorite part is my Dressing Room because every time I enter there I feel that I am at a shopping mall. I can pick what clothes I want, and I don’t even have to use money. 

Dawn: What was your reaction when you knew you won?

Angelcloe: I was so very happy because finally I won for this contest. 

Dawn:What will you do with your prize?

Angelcloe: I will use it to buy furniture and give it to my friends because I have so many furniture in my rooms already. So it’s time again to give it to others.

Dawn: Any message to your fellow Socians who are into room design in SocioTown?

Angelcloe: Just do what you want and be creative. Don’t mind if you are not good enough in designing, just remember that you will be happy of what you are doing so don’t be shy to show it to others. Always remember that we all have different talents, so use it and you will see that other people will be proud of you

Saturday 22 September 2012

Socian BloGgers! (our blog was also posted!)

Our blog

Flura and Ellaina's blog
So our blog was posted by Dawn and I'm sooo excited!!! Also flura and Ellaina's blog was posted. Their blog is not bad at all...Its so nice.
Ellaina and Flura's blog was made in 2011. They both are also siblings and they started playing socio in 2011. Both of them like taking pictures in sociotown and posting them on their blog. This is the link to their blog: .

Next is our blog. The owner of the blog is Michael22 but Areesh (Me) is writer of the blog. Michael and me both are siblings too and we started playing sociotown in 2010. But we made our blog in 2012. We both like posting pictures, interviews and news of sociotown. Heres the link to our blog:        

Fall outfits second set

These clothes are the second set of Fall outfits. The first one were also cool. These new clothes are for Permanent Resident

Sunday 16 September 2012

Arica1 Fashion contest winner

Dawn took arica's interview lets see what arica has to say:

dawn: Tell us a bit about your outfit.  How did you come up with your outfit? Did you get any inspiration? 
arica1: I was thinking of an outfit that is suitable for summer. Then I thought that it should have good colors and it should be short. About the shoes, I thought that they shouldn’t be long and should be made of light material. So I just chose the Egyptian shoes and military dress, as the latter had half sleeves and it was short too. It’s also attractive to the eyes, in my opinion.

dawn: What’s your favorite part of your outfit?
arica1: I like my shoes. They are so light.

dawn: What was your reaction when you knew you won? 
arica1: I was quite surprised, since I thought that my outfit was simply according to what I liked and envisioned for a summer outfit.

dawn: What will you do with your prize?
arica1: I will use it for good things.

dawn: Any message to your fellow Socians who are into fashion in SocioTown?
arica1: For contests, just focus on the theme given. See what type of clothes go well with the season or the contest. And yeah, I’m always there to help you.

Nimzy: Fashion contest winner (interview)

Congratz to nimzy for winning the fashion contest! 
Dawn also took her interview:
Dawn: Tell us a bit about your outfit.
Nimzy: Well, my outfit consisted of a yellow slim top, beach hat for blonds, Easter skirt and sandals. Yes, it does sound like a random match, but for summer, even though it sounds unbelievable, these items look great together. The orange-y bit at the end of the skirt matches with the hat and even the shirt a little bit. So yeah, I kind of just went random in my closet with colours 

Dawn: How did you come up with your outfit? Did you have any inspiration for it?
Nimzy: To be honest, I wanted something that’d be comfortable for the beach. Not something like a bikini because I thought that’d be too mainstream. Most of the people would most likely do that anyways. I wanted to go for a bit of a tropical theme, but sadly, didn’t have the right colours (HINT for suggestions :P). But then I decided to go with the bright colours, which also kind of go with all the summer theme I had in mind. Here’s the science-y bit : Well, the dark colours absorb light or heat, which means if you were to wear, say, black during summers, you’d be on fire; quite literally, you would be. Whereas light or bright colours radiate light to the surrounding, making you feel cool and nice in your outfit. That’s merely the reason why I chose these colours.

Dawn: What’s your favorite part of your outfit?
Nimzy: My favourite part of the outfit has to be the skirt. Even though it is an Easter skirt, it is so fitting for summer. It’s like one of the long or mid-length skirt you see people wearing at the beaches sometimes, or even outside during summer. It’s really casual, comfortable and fashionable at the same time.

Dawn: What was your reaction when you knew you won?
Nimzy: I was rather surprised to be honest. I mean, there are so many fashionable ladies in sociotown, I wasn’t expecting to win. But it was a lovely surprise nevertheless. It was like one of those moments for me when you are going around the world with a smile on your face, because your heart is filled with joy ! 

Dawn: What will you do with your prize?
Nimzy: I most likely will be investing the prize money on lemonades. It’s too hot, so I will be needing the liquid to keep me hydrated. I shall also get myself some new clothes if possible, just in case there are more fashion contests

Dawn:Any message to your fellow Socians who are into fashion in SocioTown? 
Nimzy: Just be unique!  Being unique is the most amazing thing ever. I mean, you could wear the angel wings with an angel skirt and a halo, but then again that’d be too common. Giving it a twist like wearing angel wings with a devil skirt and a princess hat would make you an evil angel who’s also a princess.  That’d be much better…

Picture of her clothes that she wore.


New clothes just released! (for pr's)

These new clothes have just released! check Gee cue and Trendiiz to buy them. 

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Sociotown shout out!

Got anything to say? well then watch out for dawn roaming around in sociotown and she might ask you for your comment!! she will take a screen shot of your comment and post it on the sociotown FB page.
Shout outs so far:

Sunday 9 September 2012

CoNtEsT WiNnErS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So want to know who won the Summer fashion contest and Summer Room design contest?
Well the lucky Winners are..........
Congrats to the lucky winners!!!!
To know the new winners stay tuned!!!

Deep Ocean Blue Surfboard