Wednesday 26 December 2012


Hi guys!! It's Michael here. I just wanted to apologize for not posting a lot. There had been so much in sociotown and I didn't even post. I'll be more active now! Anyway Merry Christmas and Happy New year!!

Saturday 17 November 2012

winners of image contest (theme: twinsies)

Hi Guys! It's areesh here!!! i feel so good logging in on internet !!! (i thought studies would never end! -_-)
anywayz last time we had a image contest in sociotown and here are the winners:
Congratz to all the winners!

fashion tips by dawn


Men - Maroon Schoolboy Sweater, Casual Stylish Pants, Fall 2 Shoes
Women - Fall 2 Shirt, Dark Denim Skinny Jeans, Egyptian Shoes

Friendship (a poem by christy10)

Thursday 8 November 2012

NEW: Sociotown Image contest!!!

Okay so this contest is amazing!!!!! If your good at taking screen shots then maybe you'll enjoy this contest!
For this round the theme is twins!!! take a screen shot with your twin and send it to dawn on her e-mail ( the picture has to be unique, funny and nice. So goodluck!

Caption contest

Here is the picture of caption contest:
Caption this picture and win 100 sobucks! click here to send your enteries!

Fashion suggestion (by dawn)

Hmm........don't know what to wear this week? Well Dawn has given a suggestion of what you should wear!
Men - Blue Plaid Beanie Hat, Monotone Striped Sweater, Blue Preppy Pants, Easter Shoes
Women - Pink Bow Hat, Sexy Red Trench Coat, Military Boots

Winners of trick or treat contest!



congratulations guyz

halloween caption contest winner

So the winner of the caption contest is...........
and heres her caption
“Halloween is the scene, pack up your things,

we don’t know what Halloween will bring.

Be strong in the rain, that will cause us such pain.

Just don’t forget to be kind, trick or treat will be so sweet.”

Congratz christy!

Halloween room contest winner

Here is the winner of halloween room contest:
congratz flame!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HaLLoWeen FaShIoN CoNtEsT WiNnErs!

HeY Socians! Sorry for post....
here are the halloween fashion contest winners!



Saturday 3 November 2012

SoCiOToWn ShOuT OuT!

Heres the picture of sociotown shout out:
It's been a while since the last SocioTown Shout Out post. This time, here's the sister duo of Christy10 and Chriselle. :)

Jane and the pumpkin man: Story by Dawn, movie by Flamerz

Hi guyz! Have you read Jane and pumpkin man written by dawn yet? If you havent then here is it!

A peaceful place to live, new friends, a fun and new life – that was all Jane ever wanted when she decided to live in SocioTown. She heard nice things of the town and she was eager to try the place immediately.
Whatever Jane was leaving, no one could really say. Her old life was boring her to the bones – she just wanted something new, something fresh, and definitely not mundane. She left any traces of her old life for this new one.
So she packed her things, readied her documents, and kissed her old life goodbye. She expected having afternoon strolls in the park, playfully chasing butterflies and bugs during her spare time, and maybe even take up a new sport in this new life of hers.
But Jane never anticipated the grotesque, the sinister, and the fear that cuts in the dark. Yes, she heard nice things of the town, but she didn’t hear about the Pumpkin Man. Yes, she expected a lot of things, but she never expected the Pumpkin Man.

Chapter 1: Shadows
It was a rainy night when she got into town. Everything was new to her and she was thrilled to have these new experiences – until the part where she almost got into jail for a car accident she didn’t even do. That’s a nice start, Jane thought bitterly. She wondered if that boded well for her new life.
After an hour of explaining her innocence to the very responsive, albeit lacking in investigative skills, police officers of her new town, she finally reached her home-to-be. It was still pouring down hard and her pink shirt and white jeans were soaked badly, with mud splattered all over, but she was happy to gaze at her apartment building. After her fiasco with the police, all Jane wanted was to soak in a nice warm bath in her nice and warm room.
“Grand Heights West Apartments,” she muttered to herself while looking up at the entirety of the building. Jane expected it to be grand, and it was truly grand in size, but it was fairly simple with its design. No matter, Jane thought, as long as there’s a warm room inside.
There are numerous apartment buildings around town, but most of them can’t be rented cheaply. She wanted to stay at Inspiration Pointe, but settled for something affordable instead. As long as there is a roof on my head, right? Jane assured herself. At this point, her long brown hair was already dripping, so she hurriedly got inside.
With a few knocks, she entered the apartment’s lobby. It was still and quiet inside, and her entrance quieter as the carpet cushioned her every step. A man with spiky hair and a dark-colored shirt was absorbed over something in his laptop. Jane wondered if he even heard her come in.
“Err… Hello. I’m Jane,” she said, after a minute of contemplating on what to say to the busy man and his laptop. The moment Jane spoke, the man jumped like he saw Frankenstein’s monster, and blinked a few times, before realizing it was just a girl who looked like she was dipped in a swimming pool like a teabag.
“Mother of bugs, don’t scare me like that!” The man said while clutching his chest. “I thought you were the–”
Thunder and lightning blasted so loudly that both Jane and the man jumped and screamed. After their momentary shriek fest, Jane swore she saw a shadow outside the window when the lightning flashed.
“I’m usually not like this. I’ll have you know that I watched five Asian horror movies alone. Alone!” The man chuckled; he was clearly acting brave after what happened. But Jane didn’t pay him any mind, as she was fixed on the shadow she just saw.
“I’m sorry I scared you. I’m Jane, the new resident here.” She turned away from the window.
“You’re Jane? I could have sworn you’re the ghost lady of the lake. You’re pretty soaked,” he chuckled again. And you’re the shriek monster, Jane thought.
After their introductions and a short briefing about the town, her sponsor and apartment receptionist welcomed her to SocioTown. She was ready to hit the sack, but it seems like there are things to do before she could rest.
“It’s a bit late, but would you like to do some quests now?” her sponsor asked.
A warm bath and a soft bed, or a night out in the rain doing odd tasks? Jane wondered what to do next.
Chapter Two - The Voice in the Rain
“Doing quests will be fun!” Her sponsor and apartment manager had said, but Jane thought otherwise.
Rain was still pouring down hard when she stepped outside. She gave a momentary glance at the window but there was no one there, only bushes and a mud puddle thanks to the rain. It must have been my imagination, Jane assured herself. Still, the shadow she saw disturbed her a bit.
Her first task was to deliver a message to a guy named Phil. His name might be short, but the night (and his problems) will be quite long for him. Jane noted that she should be wary of Phil and his problems. Nothing good will come out if you get involved with a man having troubles with his girlfriend.
Running around town in the rain made Jane wish she should have arrived earlier. After going back to her sponsor for another quest, she was ready to give up and run to her room to crash on her bed for the night. Instead, she finished her last quest (so far) and slumped in front of her apartment building’s door after she was done.
“What a day,” Jane sighed. The cement was damp but Jane didn’t mind, she was soaked anyway. Jane was starting to enjoy the rain and the gloomy night sky of the town when she heard a rustle at the right corner of the apartment.
“W-Who is it?” Her voice squeaked a little. For a moment, Jane could only hear the rain. Was that just her imagination too, like the shadow earlier?
“I should probably go inside,” Jane said out loud. Hearing her own voice comforted her, for some reason. She hurriedly stood up and reached for the doorknob.
“You shouldn’t be here at this time,” a voice suddenly boomed from the corner. Thunder and lightning thrashed at the night sky. Jane would have jumped, but the sudden voice had frozen her with fear. Why would he say that I shouldn’t be here? Why is it a bad time? Who is he? Will he hit me? Throw me at the river? Will he chase me? Who is he? Who is he? A thousand questions floated in Jane’s head and it made her head ache. She wanted to scream, to run, to throw something at the unknown man, and to scream, scream, scream.
Another set of thunder and lightning boomed across the sky. At that instant, Jane saw the source of the voice. Looming just at the corner of her apartment building was a man wearing a vicious-looking orange mask, with a carved smile that’s far from nice – a pumpkin mask.
“You shouldn’t be here. Wrong place, wrong time,” he muttered and took a step forward. And Jane finally screamed.
Whew! wont it take long to read that all? Well not to worry! Flamerz made a video of this movie to make it more clearer! (Thanks flame)
Chapter 1 
Chapter 2
Again Thanks flame!!!!

Wednesday 31 October 2012

Halloween Contests!

HaPPy HaLLoWeen PeOpLe!!!! Are you ready for new contests? Well there are many contests you can join!!!!
This is a bit different in Fashion contest. If you are a couple or have a best friend, you both can join!
Heres how to send your entry:
-Take a screen shot.
-Send it to dawn on her E-mail. (
-Include your sociotown username, Tell if you are single or team/couple, Clothes used, A little message, Pr status(pr or non pr)
HaUnted RooM COnTeSt!
Make your room spooky! Take A screen shot of it, Send it to dawn on her E-Mail.
Caption The Picture! To send your enteries click here!
Oooooooh! This contest is Interesting! Dawn will Select 5 winners and she will visit Their rooms (6:00 pm -7:00pm) Send the address of your room on dawns email, Forums or comment it on blog. Goodluck!

Monday 22 October 2012

Socitown School Uniform Contest winners!!!

Recently Sociotown had a school uniform contest (which was really exciting) and the winner of the contest is:

BERTA12!!!!!!!!!!!!congratz berta
But thats not all....Some good runner-ups were also selected (including me and michy)




Congratz to all ^^

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Halloween Shopping Guide! (Oct 15 - 21)

  • Plum Toga Dress
  • Red Toga Dress
  • Sea-Green Toga Dress
  • Peace Long Dress
  • Ginger Cinnamon Bun Wig
  • Black Long Dress
  • Wonderland Queen Dress
  • Wonderland Queen Crown
  • High-Waisted Red Pants
  • Masquerade Mask
  • Mummy Headwear
  • Mummy Bottoms
  • Mummy Top
  • Mummy Shoes
  • Egyptian Dress
  • Egyptian Shoes
  • Egyptian Headwear
  • Witch Shoes
  • Witch Dress
  • Witch Hat Green Hair
  • Witch Hat Blond, Brunette, Red
  • Swamp Witch Mask
  • Princess Dress
  • Fairytale Dress
  • Gray Fairytale Dress
  • Yellow Fairytale Dress
  • Pink Fairytale Dress
  • Princess Hat Red, Blonde, Brunette
  • Red Devil Skirt
  • Devil Hair Red, Brunette, Blond
  • Vampire Dress
  • Vampire Hair
  • Vampire Shoes
  • Angel Wings
  • Angel Skirt
  • Halo Hair Red, Blond, Brunette
  • Kandy Korn Witch Hat
  • Kandy Korn Witch Dress
  • Kandy Korn Witch Shoes
  • Batboy Shirt
  • Red Batboy Shirt
  • Skull Shirt
  • Skull Mask
  • Brown Pirate Bandana
  • The Wolf’s Head
  • Pumpkin Head
  • Clown Mask
  • Scary Ghost Mask
  • Monster Mask
  • Mummy Headwear
  • Mummy Top
  • Mummy Bottoms
  • Mummy Shoes
  • Cave Man Shirt
  • Wizard Hat
  • Wizard Hat Beard
  • Wizard Robe
  • Wizard Shoes
  • Colonial Hat Wig
  • Colonial Wig
  • Prince Jacket Suit
  • Prince Pants
  • Viking Hat
  • Vampire Top
  • Vampire Pants
  • Vampire Shoes
  • Vampire Hair
  • Devil Horns
  • Egyptian Headwear
  • Egyptian Shoes
  • Egyptian Skirt
  • Egyptian Shoulder
Franklin’s Furniture
  • Large Sunshine Wall
  • Candle Lights
  • Royal Bed
  • Green Striped Wall
  • Broken Retro
  • Vine Bed
  • Large Brick Wall
  • Gothic Fireplace
  • Canopy Royal Bed
  • Large Pink Bath Wall Section
  • Towel Rack
  • Brick Fireplace
  • Large Red Striped Wall
  • Skull Statue
  • Tiki Post
  • Bloodied Rough Black Couch
  • Rough Black Couch
  • Skull Bed
  • Crystal Ball
  • Tombstone
  • Pumpkin
  • Coffin

Caption Contest Winner Chriselle!

Congrats to Chriselle For winning The caption contest! Her caption was: “Oh! A gift is floating in the air!
Maybe someone wants to share,
but don’t forget to handle it with care
and say THANKS to your dear friend..
It’s obviously a gift from the heart,
coz it’s given even it’s raining so hard.”

Behind the Keyboard Revival: Sumayyah

Dawn: Tell us a bit about yourself.
Sumayyah: I am currently 13 years old, but I’ll be 14 this month.
D: Where are you from?
S: I’m from the United States, Michigan.
D: How about SocioTown. When did you start and how did you know about the game?
S: I started SocioTown in, I think, 2010. My brother discovered this game and told me about it.
D: So what’s your favorite thing to do in SocioTown?
S: My favorite thing to do in SocioTown is chatting with my fellow Socians and playing virtual games. I love dance dance best out of all the games.
D: How about school. What grade are you in, if you don’t mind?
S: I am currently in the 8th grade.
D: What’s your favorite subject at school? What’s your least favorite or most disliked?
S: My favorite subject at school is Math and Social Studies. My least favorite is Language Arts.
D: How about food? Do you know how to cook?
S: Yes, I know how to cook but I don’t cook much though unless my mom’s really busy and can’t cook.
D: What’s your favorite food then? How about your least favorite?
S: I pretty much like all foods but my least favorite would be broccoli.
D: What do you do during your spare time? Do you have any hobbies?
S: During my spare time I’ll play on SocioTown or other virtual online games. My hobbies are jewelry making or crafting.
D: Now that school has started again, how often do you play SocioTown now?
S: Not very much because I have homework, and chores.
D: Who do you think should BTK interview next? 
S: I think BTK should interview Subina next. 


Hi guys, Sorry for not being so active. I had studies and exams so I was really busy with them.
I apologize.
Now i will be active with the blog and i'll even try to change the look of the blog.

Saturday 29 September 2012

School Uniform Fashion Contest

Want to make your own Uniform? Then why not dress up in your socio uniform and join Sociotown school Uniform Contest!
Take a picture of you wearing your Sociotown Uniform and send it to
Be unique!

ShOuT OuT PeTrOl (Picture)

SocioTown Shout-out Patrol: Looks like someone is wishing upon a star tonight.

New robot outfits!!!

Aren't these outfits awesome!!!!!???
These robot outfits will release soon!

Caption contest

Sociotown caption Contest is back!!!
Caption the picture and sent your entries to sociotown FB page (click here to send your entries)

RooM DeSiGn CoNtEst Winner AngelCloe (interview)

Dawn: Tell us a bit about your room design.

Angelcloe: Since the contest is for the summer, I decided to make a room with a summer theme that is something different and unique. That’s the result (see pic at top) and became my entry for the Room Design Contest. I made a garden that had a Jacuzzi tub at the center, so it’s fun to stay at the garden while you are bathing. You’ll feel relax and have a peace of mind. 

Dawn: How did you come up with such an idea? Did you have any inspiration?

Angelcloe: Actually, I am always visiting the apartments of some of my friends in SocioTown. I see their room designs and observed that most of their rooms are kind of the same, so I decided to make one that has never been seen at the rooms of other Socians. Honestly, I love decorating even in real life and I am happy when my family is so amazed at my designs, so my inspiration was my family.

Dawn: What’s your favorite part of your room?
Angelcloe: My favorite part is my Dressing Room because every time I enter there I feel that I am at a shopping mall. I can pick what clothes I want, and I don’t even have to use money. 

Dawn: What was your reaction when you knew you won?

Angelcloe: I was so very happy because finally I won for this contest. 

Dawn:What will you do with your prize?

Angelcloe: I will use it to buy furniture and give it to my friends because I have so many furniture in my rooms already. So it’s time again to give it to others.

Dawn: Any message to your fellow Socians who are into room design in SocioTown?

Angelcloe: Just do what you want and be creative. Don’t mind if you are not good enough in designing, just remember that you will be happy of what you are doing so don’t be shy to show it to others. Always remember that we all have different talents, so use it and you will see that other people will be proud of you

Deep Ocean Blue Surfboard