Tuesday 16 October 2012

Behind the Keyboard Revival: Sumayyah

Dawn: Tell us a bit about yourself.
Sumayyah: I am currently 13 years old, but I’ll be 14 this month.
D: Where are you from?
S: I’m from the United States, Michigan.
D: How about SocioTown. When did you start and how did you know about the game?
S: I started SocioTown in, I think, 2010. My brother discovered this game and told me about it.
D: So what’s your favorite thing to do in SocioTown?
S: My favorite thing to do in SocioTown is chatting with my fellow Socians and playing virtual games. I love dance dance best out of all the games.
D: How about school. What grade are you in, if you don’t mind?
S: I am currently in the 8th grade.
D: What’s your favorite subject at school? What’s your least favorite or most disliked?
S: My favorite subject at school is Math and Social Studies. My least favorite is Language Arts.
D: How about food? Do you know how to cook?
S: Yes, I know how to cook but I don’t cook much though unless my mom’s really busy and can’t cook.
D: What’s your favorite food then? How about your least favorite?
S: I pretty much like all foods but my least favorite would be broccoli.
D: What do you do during your spare time? Do you have any hobbies?
S: During my spare time I’ll play on SocioTown or other virtual online games. My hobbies are jewelry making or crafting.
D: Now that school has started again, how often do you play SocioTown now?
S: Not very much because I have homework, and chores.
D: Who do you think should BTK interview next? 
S: I think BTK should interview Subina next. 

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