Sunday 1 July 2012

Couples Corner feature: Michael22 and Lehguns

If you think that having a slight language barrier and time zone differences can hinder two Socians from spending a lot of time with each other, then read on to know more about Michael22 and Lehguns and how they became a couple. Congratulations to the both of them for winning the Couples Corner blog feature! Read on to know more about them! 

Michael22 and Lehgun’s blooming closeness proves that language barriers are never a hindrance to a relationship.
“I met her at the park while I was talking to a friend. She walked in and didn’t speak to anyone. She said she couldn’t understand English much. So I helped her and tried to translate English to Portuguese as best as I can,” Michael22 reminisced.
Despite their differences in language and time, the two shared a bond together and Lehguns often acted as an adviser to Michael22 for his problems.
“At that time I liked someone else in SocioTown (name withheld). I was younger than her and she took everything I did for her as a joke. I decided to have a new life at SocioTown and tried to forget her, but she returned; Lehguns advised that I should tell her how I feel. That’s when I realized that it was Lehguns who was always there for me,” Michael shared.
It turns out that Lehguns likes him as well, ending with Michael22 taking a break from a SocioTown movie he helped film and proposed to her. Although they only became an official SocioTown couple for less than a month, they have known each other for a long time that their relationship is based on their close friendship towards each other.
Relationships like this do not just rely on whether you meet or talk in real life, but instead it is on the times you spent on really communicating with each other and opening your heart to someone. Simple moments, like chatting or just going around SocioTown can be memorable.
“Michael surprised me for a boat ride once and we both had a great time!” Lehguns remembered happily. “I can’t go online in SocioTown sometimes because of my studies. But when I have time, I go there with him,” she added.
Simple activities like chatting, hugging, going to Burger Despot together to work, and even visiting apartments for experience are moments that the two enjoy doing together. “Although Leh goes online rarely at times, which hurt a bit, spending time with her is always great,” Michael22 said.
The two were ecstatic when they heard they were the winning couple for Couples Corner. When asked for a message to their fellow Socians and other SocioTown couples, they have this to say: “Don’t forget to always have a good time together. Always stay happy and good luck with your relationships.”

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