Sunday 17 June 2012

Interview of Dawn! (staff member) by michael22

Michael: Do you like being a staff member?
Dawn: Why, yes! I was so excited when Chris considered me as a new member of the staff. It's fun to do things here in SocioTown.

  Michael: What are your few duties as a staff member?
Dawn: Well, I'm still in training. But right now, I regularly check the town, the forums, and other related sites. I also do feature articles in the blog and make contests. I also receive messages from players and try to solve things or pass it on to Chris or Deasy, if they know more about the situation than I do. I may be making some issues of the SocioTown Journal soon, so I hope you will all read it. :D

Michael: Have you met cevans or deasy in real?
Dawn: No, I haven't, actually. But we communicate all the time online. :D

 Michael: Other than SocioTown, have you joined any other virtual world game?
Dawn: I really like online games, so yes. Yes, i have.

 Michael: Do you like making friends in SocioTown?
Dawn: Yes, of course. A lot of people in SocioTown are nice.

Michael: What do you like the most about SocioTown?
Dawn: I like the missions a lot! I hope we'll get more missions in the future.

 Michael: Where are you from (in real)?
Dawn: I'm somewhere in Asia.

Michael: Do you want to say anything, like a special message or a reminder to the Socians?
Dawn: Always be nice to your fellow Socians, but be wary at all times. Be kind and just. Never give your passwords to anyone (mods and guides do not ask for passwords). And the most important thing is to have fun at SocioTown!

Thank you Dawn! You are the Best Staff member! 

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