Tuesday 25 June 2013

Made Changes to Blog!

Hello Dear people! Hope your having an awesome day! I just wanted to inform that some changes are being made to the blog.
~New background
~New Fonts
~Some New songs added to MP3 Player
~We are getting a new writer
~Rating options will be added to the posts
~New mini game widget
We'll also be reviving the Room Hunt and Fashion Hunt when we get a new writer (ASAP). Some features above have already been made. If You don't see them, Please Reload once or twice.
I am also currently working on a big movie in sociotown but it will be released on Halloween.
Thanks for reading

Monday 3 June 2013

New junior guides!

It feels so awesome to have new guides for this year!
Our new junior guides are..*drumroll*

And also our fellow game guide, Hotmaria is promoted to Senior game guide!

I'm back!

Hello dear Socians! It's so good to be back and write for the blog! I missed this blog so much. I had been so busy that I almost thought I would quit writing. There had been so many things and events in sociotown recently and I missed most of them. New contests, new guides and new fellow socians! Sociotown keeps getting better. Anywayz I'll try my best to stay active now! 
Deep Ocean Blue Surfboard