Tuesday 25 June 2013

Made Changes to Blog!

Hello Dear people! Hope your having an awesome day! I just wanted to inform that some changes are being made to the blog.
~New background
~New Fonts
~Some New songs added to MP3 Player
~We are getting a new writer
~Rating options will be added to the posts
~New mini game widget
We'll also be reviving the Room Hunt and Fashion Hunt when we get a new writer (ASAP). Some features above have already been made. If You don't see them, Please Reload once or twice.
I am also currently working on a big movie in sociotown but it will be released on Halloween.
Thanks for reading

Monday 3 June 2013

New junior guides!

It feels so awesome to have new guides for this year!
Our new junior guides are..*drumroll*

And also our fellow game guide, Hotmaria is promoted to Senior game guide!

I'm back!

Hello dear Socians! It's so good to be back and write for the blog! I missed this blog so much. I had been so busy that I almost thought I would quit writing. There had been so many things and events in sociotown recently and I missed most of them. New contests, new guides and new fellow socians! Sociotown keeps getting better. Anywayz I'll try my best to stay active now! 

Monday 1 April 2013

Easter egg HUNT!!!!

We Just had an Easter Hunt!!!!!!!! There were few eggs Hidden around sociotown.... For each egg there was one winner. So the winners are:
Egg #1: MICHAEL22
Egg #5: ASIE
Egg #6: PIXIES

Image Contest Winners

Here are the winners of the recent image contest, healthy mind healthybody
Runner up: KOBEJUWAN
Runner up: FARHAT
Winner (Non-PR): MICHAEL22
AWESOME pictures everyone!!!! Congratz

Sunday 10 March 2013

Image Contest - River Scenery Winners

okay! so here are the winners:
Non-pr Winner
PR winner
Non-pr runner up
pr runner up


new outfits! guess them?

These outfits are really fluffy ;)
Just guess what they could be

Blue buttoned coats

New outfits! aren't they neat? They'll be in stores soon.

Thursday 7 March 2013

shopping guide (March 4 - 10)

I really love the new shopping guide system! For this week here's the shopping guide 
(click the picture to enlarge the image)

Monday 4 March 2013

Sociotown - The Unforgettable Valentine (Movie I made on Valentine)

Part 1

Part 2

I made this movie for valentines day but youtube was blocked in my country so it took lots of time to search for good website to upload it. Anywayz enjoy the movie!

Guess the new outfits in sociotown!!!

These are the first outfits of this year, 2013! Can you guess what type of outfit is it?

Image Contest: River Scenery

Don't you guys think river creek in sociotown is the most quietest and peaceful place in sociotown? Well you might want to take your picture there! Take a nice, funny or interesting picture in river creek and send it to dawn at her email at dawn@sociotown.com. You might win 100 sobucks and a surprise gift from franklin furnitures. deadline is on 9th March 2013.

Valentine's Day winners

Hi guys! Being a student is a tough life right? It really wastes our time! xD
Anyways here are the winners of valentines day contests.
 Winner: CHRISTY10
Winner : MICHAEL22 and BERTA12

Runner-up: CLOUDY12 and SMACKS

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Party we had on sunday! ( I really wished to capture more!)

 Thank you socians for coming to the party on Sunday!!!! Check the video below ;)

Valentine outfits!

Get them from Trendiiz/Gee-cue!

This fashion contest is for the socians who really have taste in fashion! If you wanna join, take a photo of yourself in your favorite sociotown place with your stylish and fashionable clothes! You can take a picture with your partner or alone. Send the entry to dawn at her email (dawn@sociotown.com) or pm her on the forum. (NOTE: the theme is valentine so dress in a love costume!)
Do you take awesome snap shots? then join this contest!
Take a unique picture with your partner (no need to edit only a simple picture) and send it to dawn on her email (dawn@sociotown.com) or pm it to her on forum.
Take a picture of your relationship status and send it to dawn! (who knows you might get chosen!)
Dawn will select a couple to take their interview and they will get secret gifts!

Friday 8 February 2013

Behind The Keyboard: NingNing

Hi, Ninging! Thank you for saying yes to this BTK interview. To start, tell us a bit about your first day in SocioTown.
My first day… hmm that’s a tough one. It’s 3 years ago! As what I can remember, I also went through the stage where I click report option to chat LOL. And also it was a bit of annoying for me cause I always got stuck and I didn’t know yet that there’s this trick you can do to get back your mouse pointer lol.

Ohh, a trick! How do you do that? Care to share it to the new players we have?
Well, there are many ways but the best trick is to type “/sitdown” especially if the mouse pointer is hiding somewhere lol.

How did you find the game?
I was searching for an RPG and I saw SocioTown, then I gave it a try.

So no one referred you to the game. How about you, have you shared this game to your friends and family?
Yes, I did! My son, Eiser, used to play when he was younger. We played together a lot. It’s my way for our bonding time. My partner also had an account for “curiosity sake” lol and some of my online friends.

Any story behind your name?
NingNing is my real nickname, so I decided to use it here.

That’s a cute nickname you have! Do you get any feedbacks about your name?
NingNing is like a cat’s name here in my place, and I used to be called like that; like, something you say when calling a pet cat lol. No more other than that.

What part of the world do you come from?
I’m a proud Filipina from the beautiful islands of the Philippines.

Ooh, from the bright and sunny Philippines! How’s the weather there right now?
The weather dropped from 30 degrees Celsius to 20 because of Northeast Monsoon. I just hope it will last longer .

I hope the weather won’t get in the way of your real life and SocioTown duties. Speaking of which, what is it like to be a guide?
It’s like giving yourself an abstract painting. It’s not always a beautiful image you can see, but there’s always a bright side you can imagine.

That’s a nice way to put it! Let’s just say you’re not a guide right now. If ever there’s a guide application this year, would you still apply, even though you know how tough being a game guide can be?
Yes, will still do! I wanted to help the game, that’s the least that I can do to return the favor for giving me an experience I didn’t have with the other games I played.

We have aspiring game guides in the game. Can you share to them how you became a guide in SocioTown?
I just simply patiently waited for the right time, and then the application for the junior guides opened and I applied for it. I always visit the forum everyday to check if there’s any update.

Guides sure need a lot of patience, especially when dealing with naughty Socians. How do you deal with such players?
I have a lot of packed patience! I have to be calm and try to get the trust of the player, so if it’s just a minor issue then it can be easily handled.

Any notable memories you have while being a guide in the game?
I was able to prevent a trouble that was supposed to happen with both of my friends and they listened to me.

Good call! It’s better if the situation doesn’t get big. Anyway, what activity/feature do you like best in SocioTown?
I really love catching bugs! You can check my web profile for proof, hehe. It’s my stress buster in real life! lol

Woah! You do love bug catching! What is in bug catching that makes you relieve stress? Why do you love it so much?
Cause I have to concentrate when catching them! lol If not I’ll just be exhausted as ever, hehe. Well, it takes out my stress cause my mind is focused, that’s why I love catching those crunchy bugs.

In SocioTown, everyone eats burgers, fries, chicken, and fish, and drinks lemonade. Are you fond of these foods in real life? What’s your favorite food?
I am fond of those foods in real. Glad you didn’t include the bugs in the list. My favorite food is spaghetti and pasta dishes.

Sounds yum! Well, I didn’t include the bugs, but some people do eat bugs. If given a chance, would you try one in real life?
I really hate bugs! Wait, are bugs different from insects? It’s insects I hate hahaha! I don’t think I would even dare to try. I lose appetite easily lol.

Other than SocioTown, what do you do on your free time?
Bonding with my son, Eiser. Old players already met him; he is a teenager now. I have to catch up with what’s in so I won’t get left behind.

So he’s a bit grown up now, huh. Does he play SocioTown too?
He used to, but now he plays more action online games and I even tried the games he plays but it’s not my forte lol.

How is it like to have house duties as a mother and play an online social game at the same time? How do you manage your time?
I live with my partner’s family so I just do our (me, baby and hubby) laundry every other day. About cooking, well it’s not my talent, it’s my sister-in-law who is in charge of the food. I play online after finishing my chores and whenever the baby is sleeping. As of now, she’s really growing up fast! She wanted to stand up and walk a week before her 7th month, and now she’s almost 8 months and she’s super hyper active, so she really needs full attention. That’s why i’m hardly seen online nowadays.

Woah, juggling all those tasks and still finding time to relax and enjoy yourself in SocioTown makes you sound like a super mom! Lastly, do you have a final message to your fellow Socians?
Hmm… that’s a very tough one, lol. Okay, here it goes: Every player has a different personality, so just try your best to give respect to each other, play safe and try to avoid activities and conversation that could lead into trouble that could lead for banning you.

Great advice! Thanks for your time, Ningning.
Here are the winners of this contest
Good job people!

Wednesday 30 January 2013

Image contest winners!! (theme: 2012 memories)

Hi! Recently there was an image contest with many contestants! The theme was 2012 memories. It was a tough competition but the winners had the best images! So the winners are -drum rolls- 

MICHAEL22 is our grand winner!

Congratulations Buddies!

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Fashion Contest: New Year Edition

Mix and match your different outfits and be UNIQUE!!
In this contest, the theme is mixing up your costumes, You just have to be yourself and dress in a way in which you look fabulous! Also take a screen shot of yourself in your favorite place wearing your unique outfit. Send the entry at dawn@sociotown.com telling about your outfit and the place where you took your picture.
Deep Ocean Blue Surfboard