Monday 28 May 2012

A Day with BillyRob (by Dawn)

If you have ever wondered what a day is like for BillyRob, then read on and know more of everyone’s favorite farmer and bug trader, BillyRob.
While the rest of us are still in our beds, BillyRob is already up and tending to his farm. “I do a quick check of our animals ‘n plants, and jog while I’m at it. Nothing beats a good ol’ exercise in the morning,” shared BillyRob.
After a few jogs and stretches, BillyRob returns to his home in time for the kettle to boil. “My morning starts with a healthy meal of fresh fruits ‘n vegetables from our very own farm, and a quick read of the SocioTown journal,” said BillyRob, who believes that it’s important to have a healthy body and an informed mind. “You gotta know what’s in ‘n out now,” he chuckled.
For those who love milk in their coffee, BillyRob is your ally. “Lots of fresh milk in mah coffee is the best. Y’all should try it,” the coffee-loving farmer said while he prepared for the day ahead.
As a farmer from the Woodland region, BillyRob goes to town in search for bugs he can use for their farm. “There’s lots of hard-working Socians out there looking for a good trade with their catch, and I’m their man for it,” said BillyRob who always greets everyone with a loud ‘howdy’.
Other than making or enjoying riddles, BillyRob plays his guitar to pass time while waiting for customers. he said while playing a relaxing tune “Could’a been better if it’s raining; I love the rain,” 
When the day ends, he returns to his farm with his haul of bugs. “I sure love doing business in this town. Y’all are great, and the lemonade is refreshing, rain or shine,” said our dear farmer, content with his day at town.

Wednesday 23 May 2012

ScoOtEr GiVeAwAy!

Ever wanted to ride one of these snazzy scooters?

Starting today, sociotown will be giving plenty of scooters away and here's how: for every 100 new Likes that sociotown get on SocioTown's facebook page,they will hold a giveaway for one cool-cat scooters! Easy peasy, right?

So start spreading the word to new and old players alike about sociotown facebook page and you have the chance to win a scooter and zoom around town!

End of giveaway - TBD

Monday 21 May 2012

The sociotown new staff member: Dawn!

Chris Evan (Cevans) found a new staff member! 
Dawn! Welcome to sociotown dawn...
here is how the new sociotown staff team will be 
You can contact them on their E-mails:

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Winner of one month PR contest Sumayyah!

Recently sociotown had a one month PR contest! and the winner was....
congrats! enjoy your PR!

Sunday 13 May 2012

UpCoMinG MoViE: final judgement

Hello friends! john has been making some awesome 3D characters for his movie! these characters are totally cool!
here are the characters:
DArk Powers: PHaaris The possesor of both light and dark power. he controls shaddows light and summon powerfull spirits. he's powerfull move is the dragon eye which he summons a demonic fire dragon in which when he look at he's opressors and there souls will be burned. phaaris is still 15 years old and theres alot more powerfull powers he can unleash.

He was a normal man, but when his wife was killed by a demon he wants to get the revenge. He was going to take the revenge suddenly an angel came and told him no killing so he made a deal with the angel he said "I will do what u want me to after it i want to be with my wife."

Rhyah huntress of demons she never runs out of arrows, she is capable of destroying demons with her arrows who was blessed by an angel. the has a connection with phaaris but she dose not join him and rowan in company she likes to work alone, her faith is still unknown.

hes a demon 
who came to earth long ago he was defeated by angel gabriel he came back                
  from hell he has become stronger because humanity once against lost faith in good the

 more bad humanity becomes the more stronger he is he has a connection with phaaris


Monday 7 May 2012

Apartment tutorial made by deasy

A tutorial made by Deasy! Those who can't understand about how to buy room or expand room or keep furniture in room, they can learn it by deasy's tutorial. 

NeW CLothEs

New sociotown outfits! Coming out this week so stay active and don't forget to check shops! 

Saturday 5 May 2012

Deep Ocean Blue Surfboard